Experis Academy - IT Training Program in Switzerland for Companies

Experis Academy

The Experis Academy is the industry leader in professional training. Every year, we train more than 1,000 professionals globally and help them find suitable job opportunities. The Experis Academy partners with experienced teachers and industry professionals to impart practical knowledge to the students. We also assist the students in their career growth and connect them with partner companies.

Our training methodology

Option 1: Upskill
We train graduates to meet market needs 

A university degree's value is undeniable but often graduates need a long time to adapt to the work environment. The Experis Academy ensures the young talent has the required know-how in as little as 3 months.

Option 2: Reskill
We reskill current workforce 

In a world where technology evolves every second learning new skills is a job requirement. The Experis Academy upskill program facilitates employees with access to tailored courses.


Francesca De Chirico

Program Manager


+41 76 693 4050

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