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![]() "I'm a technical guy so IT infrastructure is what I live for. This is really my passion, it’s my life basically. Originally I started working at a bank so I have a financial background but computers fascinated me so I switched and got a degree in IT. Over the past 14 years working on different international projects, I've grown more and more fascinated with the work but also the other key has always been the chance to meet and work with people from other countries. ” - Alex Nussbaumer |
![]() “My job lets me be part of something big. I work in a global company so it means a lot knowing that my daily contributions to various IT projects has a direct positive impact on my colleagues worldwide.” |
![]() “I value the internationality of the company and the cultural diversity of the people who work here. For example, during the first couple of weeks I met co-workers from England, Denmark, the U.S. and India. I also like the weekly get-together with the rest of the IT-department to chat and get to know new colleagues and exchange knowledge.” - Florian Hein |
![]() “I find my job meaningful because we’re there to protect something and to keep our customers’ businesses running. For example, a Denial of Service (DoS) attack could get very bad quickly which could then result in high losses for a bank. My job is to ensure that our customers’ systems are safe and secure from such attacks.” - Joël Stillhart |
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- #experislife
- Leben und arbeiten in der Schweiz
- Studieren in der Schweiz
- The New Age of Tech Talents
- Do you know and value your Soft Skills?
- Versicherungen in der Schweiz
- Die beliebtesten Reiseziele in der Schweiz
- Flying high in your career
- Your skills are in demand
- Java Developer Löhne Schweiz
- Als Quereinsteiger bewerben
- Experis FinTech Talent Pool
- In welchem Kanton gibt es die bestbezahlten Jobs?
- How to recruit in the IT industry
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- The Future of Work and Skills
- Banking Jobs finden in Zürich
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- 5 nicht so alltägliche Tipps für das Vorstellungsgespräch
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- Getting more Women into IT and Banking
- Gesetze zum Wohnen in der Schweiz
- Wie wird in der IT-Branche rekrutiert
- Experis talent fast lane
- Die besten Stellenportale der Schweiz
- Confidentiality clause
- Senior IT Projektleiter Lebenslauf Vorlage
- Contratto Quadro
- Die besten Arbeitgeber in der Schweiz
- Feiertage in der Schweiz
- Arbeitskultur in der Schweiz
- Umziehen in der Schweiz
- Hausratversicherung Schweiz
- Arbeiten während dem Studium
- Die beste Lebenslauf-Vorlage für Java Developer
- Tipps für die Lohnverhandlung
- Tipps für das Telefoninterview
- Einen Job bekommen in Zürich